A Paradoxic Friendship...

Friendship is one of the most greatest paradoxically plexing bond, a person can have. Friends as part of the bond sometimes make you very happy, they may make you very sad too. But ultimately they will stay beside you during all the highs and lows. Without any hesitation of sorts. This kind of bond is rare and not kept easily.

Sometimes, time may reveal our true nature, still if the friendship was strong enough, nothing would happen.  

The word "friendship" sometimes holds a lot of memories for a lot of differently aged people, as well as the youth too. They hold an ocean of laughable and thoughtful memories, which after its remembrance cause us to cry. 
Friendship may cost us with many things, but each time it costs us, it will only get better and less lonely then normal. 

It still is a mysteriously plexing bond, which seems to utter small bits of thunder each time it gets a chance. Hence it is a paradoxic lie, that friendships don't last long.


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Created By:
cybertron103@gmail.com (Arpit R)

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