A Paradoxic Lie...

The World has become an engulfed globe of destruction. As the pandemic is swallowing everyone inch by inch, yet being able to uphold the quote "Prevention is better then the cure." it's changing everything for the better. This has given us a lot of hope and realization, about the bleak reality of Nature's strength as it truly is.  

The pandemic so to say has given a lot of paradoxically turning situations for many people globally. It has become a lie or almost a life changing feet so to say. It has become a big matter due to the death risk of the lives of the people.

A lot of people around the globe has joined hands in fighting the pandemic and decrease the spreading of the same.

Yet after all this is over, the paradoxic lie of restoring Nature to its own form, remains a mystery. But for a fact, everyone will be less perplexed about the environment then others. 

The experiences, the memories, the ideas which have been developed by this pandemic will definitely have a very strong effect on our lives as an individual. Hence the paradoxic lie hangs in the balance of our thoughts being poisoned with the gruesome reality of Nature. 

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Created By:
MrPlexer (Arpit R)

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