Another Universe As A Paradox...

The World as we know is a place of great mysteries. It holds an infinite amount of possibilities for us Humans to explore. The gates of knowledge are always open for those curious and hungry minds out there.

Now the Universe, as a whole is a big place. The very idea of being limited to our planet revolutionised the World's key thinkers to research in the fields of space and time itself. Then came the branch of study of energy and matter as Quantum Mechanics, firstly theorised by Sir Dr. Albert Einstein and there after provided more theories by Sir Stephen Hawkings are starting to become very accurate lately. 

The very idea of bending the fabric of space and time into our will is the key goal for which we are trying to achieve. But we have theorised almost everything in the basis of natural laws making us limited to our time and technology. Through quantum mechanics, we are able to create a reality where the actual reality does not exist, a World where the concepts of reality that we observe in reality becomes falsified.


For example, a quantum computer is used for undertanding the very idea of the uncertainity of an almost unpredictable matter, when this machine is provided with a problem, according to our reality if there are two cases, it will stay in a mix of those two cases and provide a final output. Hence by almost 99.5% it can never become wrong. It is so accurate that the probablity of getting wrong is only due to glitches alone.

In Quantum mechanics, we dive into the vast ocean of space and time. It deals with the fabric of space and time directly. If there is any fault in the Quantum fabric it can alter our reality.We might be learning, the phenomenon of light as being small packets of energy called quanta. 

The theory behind it was of The Photoelectric Effect.

About PhotoElectric EffectData...

It gave us an idea of how matter and energy can convect through any medium or no medium at all...
Quantum theories also include alot about Parallel Universe. These Unvierses are the same as ours but are a different branch of the same timeline...

For example, we get a problem to take a good desicion between something, if we choose something good/bad, the Parallely Universed US would have choosen the other 'by chance' .The other US in that Universe would have a different future due to that desicion, and we might have a different one. There it gets branched into a new timeline. 
All this thing is the very idea of a Multiverse or so to say Parallel Universe...
The Blackhole so to say involves the same theory as to create a void where both space and time co-exist.
The very uncertainity of the decision changes in each second of our reality. For the other Multiversed US, Ours is another reality.  This uncertainty is measured using the highly capacited Quantum Computers. 
The Multiverse is a place where WE live in a different branch of the same timeline.
That is, we might not be as we see ourselves in our own reality, we might be lazy, rich, or anything in our multiversed selves, but the same age.
This is the idea of a Multiverse...

Quantum Mechanics actually deals with the very idea of bending space and time to our own will, only on considering the rules of Nature as we are bound on it in reality.Under further development, alot of time and reasearch, we might even be able to put forward the very idea of Time Travel also.
 The Multiverse as it seems is a paradoxically strange place where WE exist as a different US...
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Created (Arpit R)

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