World of paradoxes :

A paradox ...   

Everything we see or everything we think we see is not always real. For example, when we see a mirage over the desert or a hot surface ,this is caused due to the thinking of the brain , the vapor's which rise above the ground are said to move upwards ,which gives us the feeling of an object being there or a place completely present there at the moment. This illusion is also known as a paradox. Something which we believe  is real might not be real at all.This can be explained in the terms of relativity also but sometimes it may not co-relate with each other...
There are an infinite amount of paradoxes in the World ,we are not just able to grasp some of them that's all . Out of many such paradoxes ,many great scientist's and physicist's worked day and night to understand the different paradoxes. Hence many of the theories that bound the World like a thread was formed. Some say it as an apple which fell on someones head, some say it is an idea, some see it as a question, a need for knowing the answer to. 
 Well I say every answer the Universe has to offer is in our brains waiting there to be discovered. The strength to discover these answers ,that is real knowledge, which is commonly known in the World as curiosity.
Every scientist ever born , just gave the idea of this strength to find the answers. If we get a question there might be some strength to approach it , well at least an attempt ,scientist only have this curious nature to pursue their entire life. Hence discovering the things that we today hold dear to us, i.e,electronics, vehicles, resource extraction ,etc... 
Well a great personality once said "when we get a question ,we should not think about anything else ,we should have the strength to pursue it , this strength will guide us further ". These words  was spoken by the person who dreamed of an India of tomorrow , he was A.P.J Abdul Kalam.

Just like him many many scientist gave their quotes ,their hard worked knowledge and passed it onto the coming generation with the hope of taking their dreams forward or to new heights. Well what can anyone say about the strength of someone. As I write these Words you are reading them , it seems that the language or the method that we communicate also has a great influences on others.
Everything  mentioned above is just a part of some of the very small things in the vastness of something great. Guess what this " great something " is ?
It is a paradox...

Created By: (Arpit.R) 

(c)Copyright Reserved


  1. Yes it was very helpful to me. I was able to know about the paradox u so much

    1. Yes, it was very helpful. I liked the theme. It is beautiful and i was know about the PARADOX i think more things vil b added to the page. Waiting for more about the PARADOX


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